as I've said before, I've never got the "Confield is difficult" thing,
I found it quite easy to get into & it's still a favourite
"Draft", however, is the ae album I play the least
not going as far as to say I don't like it, cos I do...
I just have to be in the right mood to listen to it
the usual ae rhythm & melody patterns seem buried a lot deeper than usual
most reviews of "Draft" were along the lines of 'most accessible thing ae
have done in ages'
I couldn't see that one at all
nevertheless, still obviously looking forward to "Untilted"
I'm sure it will indeed be "another iteration in their sound" (nice one)
& that in itself has to be worth listening to, innit?
I saw ae live in Bristol 2 or 3 (dodgy memory) years ago
the description of the Cologne gig sounds familiar...
I thought that that was just what they 'did' in a live situation
at one point in the gig, it sounded like the start of "Lost" off the Anti
and a few people including myself made appreciative noises
- the track immediately morphed into something I've never heard before or
& the rest of the gig was likewise
they didn't do anything remotely downbeat, it was all quite full-on
I thought they were possibly doing their 'club/party set'
I got down the front right at the beginning, vaguely shuffled about until
the music stopped
& thoroughly enjoyed myself!
Post by martyPost by l***@gmail.comJust got an email from Warp, and there's a new full-length due out in
April. Right now they're just calling it "Untitled." Seems odd that
it's only two months out, and we haven't heard anything. It's also odd
that they didn't release a between-records EP at some point. After the
last two records, I have no idea what to expect. Any speculation?
oblique strategy: assemble some of the elements in a group and treat
As ever there's a clamour of people (not on this group obviously, this is
the first post in a seriously long time) hoping that they return to their
older Amber sound.
I wouldn't hold my breath. Although I've as much info as the next person
(i.e. none) about the direction this album will take you have to imagine
it'll be another iteration in their sound. Ok, that's hardly a
Post by martystatement suffice to say I welcome that they aren't looking back. Besides,
they can use Gescom as a vehicle for anything retro.
Looking back on Draft, some people labelled it as easier listening than the
previous few albums and ep's. I didn't think so, if anything it was as
complex as Confield. As with all Ae listening to it two years later still
throws up sounds not encountered previously.
I seen the Hafler Trio collab mentioned on one of the above threads. You all
np : monolake - invisible force